Some of the most common questions about Exercising during Pregnancy. Reach out with any questions.
How often can I workout while pregnant?
Generally, the recommendation (by ACOG*) is 30-60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, 3-4x a week and up to daily! But truth is, the more movement you can get in intermittently throughout your day, the better! It doesn’t always need to be intense – it’s better to be intentional to just move more – a few quests, take the stairs, walk down the driveway or around the block, get down and up from the floor a few times, etc. Exercise can continue until delivery unless complications arise, which is why supervision (having a qualified trainer) is also recommended.
What does ‘Moderate Intensity Exercise’ in Pregnancy mean?
Technically, moderate intensity is 60-80% of age-predicted maximum maternal heart rate (usually not exceeding 140 bpm). But what does that really mean? Realistically, you should be able to continue talking while exercising to not exceed 80% that moderate level. Your Moderate Intensity may change day to day depending on how you are feeling and what stage of Pregnancy you are in. So get that heart rate up, but sing to your favorite song while doing it!
Can I workout while pregnant if I haven’t been working out prior to getting pregnant?
Yes! Exercise can be a great addition to helping you feel well throughout your pregnancy and has been shown to build strength and aide in recovery postpartum. Start gradually and working with a qualified trainer can help you find the perfect fit to support you on your journey.
How can I train with you during my Pregnancy?
Let’s chat! Click here to schedule a 15 minute call to discuss options or if you’re ready to jump in, let’s schedule a 1hr assessment that will give us the foundation to start from, along with providing you strategies and exercises you can implement right away!
*ACOG = American College of Obstetricians & Gynocologists